Refillable Kick Sticks - Wholesale
Space Kitty Express
These refillable Kick Sticks are handmade by us and stuffed with our special blends of potent Cat Herbs. They are about 18" long including their 3 tassels, their main body is about 14" long. The Kick Sticks come in different patterns, we have 3 right now but we will be adding more, so check back. They're the right size for cats to grab with all 4 legs and pretend like it's prey, we have many videos of our customers kicking and nuzzling our Kick Sticks. They're refillable, something that might appeal to some of your customers who like the idea of being able to reuse and refresh their cat's favorite toy.
We like to showcase our rare Catnip-Alternatives like Tatarian Honeysuckle, Silver Vine, and Valerian Root, but we also have a very effective American-grown Organic Catnip blend, in case you want another Catnip Toy in your Stores. If this is your first time ordering Catnip-Alternatives, we highly recommend our "Complete Cat Herb Blend" containing our famous mixture of 5 Cat Herbs, or our "Catnip Alternatives Blend" which contains everything except Catnip, for those customers who will want to try something other than Catnip.
The Kick Sticks come in sealed 9"x6" biodegradable zip-lock bags stapled to a cardstock tag with information for the customer. Please indicate if you would like the tags to have holes punched in them for hanging.
If you would like multiple types of Kick Sticks, change the "Herb Filling", "Pattern", and "Qty" to the herb and number you would like, and press "Add to Cart". You will be taken to your cart. Press the "Continue Shopping" button and it will return you to this page. Change the "herb filling", "pattern", and "Qty" to what you would like for your second type of Kick Stick, press "Add to Cart", and repeat the process. The easiest way to see our other wholesale products is to return to
We will only ship to businesses, or we offer free delivery or pickup in the Capital Region of New York. Don't hesitate to ask us any questions at